Friday, November 4, 2011


     Morgan Freeman was sauntering about Master Royal Academy Prison, trying to kill time. It was a sunny Tuesday afternoon, and all the inmates were playing in the courtyard. He saw Tim Robbins sulking against the prison wall, all by himself. Freeman approached him.

     "Hey Tim," he started, "Why so blue?"

     "The prison guard took my cigarettes."

     Morgan Freeman responded, "I can give you some, if you're willing to trade me something."

     "Well," Tim continued, "I have a pot full of potato vodka I've made behind the guard's backs."

     "Good stuff?"

     Tim laughed, then hooted, "Oh yeah! Best this side of the Mississippi."

     "Well give me a swig, then!" shouted Freeman, visibly excited by this point.

      "I will," Tim cautioned, "But be careful. I'm not too sure how strong it is. In fact, when taking into consideration the equipment I used, there is high chance you will go blind."

      "Pass it, brother!"

      Tim was dumbfounded. "Did you not hear what I just said?"

      "Yeah, you said you have some potato vodka I can have!" exclaimed Morgan, jumping up and down and whooping very loudly.

      "You will almost certainly get a stomach infection and lose your vision if you drink this vodka. I am giving you fair warning. Are you listening to me?"

But Morgan was now running around in circles, giving high fives to his fellow inmates. The word "potato vodka" was being murmured throughout the courtyard, and everyone started to look at Tim. They all surrounded him.

      "Give me the vodka, little man," barked a particularily intimidating prisoner.

      "B-b-but...," Tim retorted, trying to warn him of the dangers of his beverage.

      "Hand it over."

And so he did. And that day, that wonderful, sunny afternoon, was the day an entire prison, except for the guards and one inmate, died of copper poisoning.

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